Phase 2

Intervention Co-design

Phase 2

This phase of the Mission is to develop potential behaviour change interventions which align with the Mission's wider objectives. This is achieved through participatory co-design involving members and other key stakeholders from our partner organisations and supporting expert research need identified during the co-design process.


The purpose of the Intervention Co-design phase is to develop behaviour change interventions which align with the bigger objectives of the Mission.

This phase, which ran between October 2021 to March 2022, involved an intensive“bootcamp” approach to intervention design. It included multiple online workshops with internal and external stakeholders, facilitated by behavioural experts, conducted over several months. The co-design phase was also be supported by parallel research to address any behavioural research needs that arise during the workshops.

Based on the outcomes of the Behaviour Prioritisation phase, three types of behaviours were taken into Intervention Co-design:

  1. "Community of circular fashion" - target behaviours: Consumers acquire and swap pre-owned fashion items.
  2. "Recirculate useable fashion" - target behaviours: Consumers donate/sell usable fashion items; and
  3. "Reclaim quality furniture" - target behaviours: Consumers acquire durable or pre-owned furniture & donate/sell usable furniture.

What we did

Four workshops were completed between November 2021 and March 2022. The aims of these workshops were to:

  • Workshop 1: Explore what is known and not-known about the target behaviours and audiences.
  • Workshop 2: Refine the target behaviours and identify the behavioural research needs to support the intervention-design process.
  • Workshop 3: Collaboratively design behaviour change interventions that target the key behavioural drivers and barriers identified in the supporting research.
  • Workshop 4: Prioritise interventions, and then identify implementation partners and develop implementation plans.

Between December 2021 and February 2022, several supporting research activities were also undertaken to provide additional behavioural insights for the final two workshops. These included some desktop research of existing literature, a consumer survey and interviews with retailers and consumers.

What did we find?

The co-design process resulted in 10 potential interventions to take forward to trial, which were then further investigated for feasibility, compared to the initial goals/objectives and then prioritised by BWA partners. After discussions with potential delivery partners, we selected from this short-list a trial with Salvos Stores, investigating how transforming second-hand stores could increase purchase of second-hand fashion and furniture, and potentially also increase the quality of donations received.

For more information about this, see:

Intervention Co-design Summary Report

You can also access summaries of the technical findings from the supporting research:

Research Extracts - Buying preloved clothing
Research Extracts - Passing on useable clothing
Research Extracts - Reclaiming quality furniture

What came next?

The next phase of the Mission was to trial our intervention we co-design.

See more on the Phase 3: Trialling sub-page.