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Behaviour change PhD candidates showcase work in progress

Behaviour change PhD candidates showcase work in progress

GRIPsters shine at mini showcase

Supported by Monash University and eight industry partners, BehaviourWorks launched a world-first Behaviour Change Graduate Research Industry Partnership (GRIP) program in March 2018. The program, which is run through the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, is supporting 17 talented candidates through their PhD journey, effectively creating the next generation of behaviour change experts.

More than 50 people are involved in running the BC GRIP, including 34 Academic Supervisors. To celebrate the halfway point of their candidature and thank all the partners and stakeholders for their help, a Mini GRIP Showcase was held on 11 December 2019.

The students, who are already accustomed to presenting at industry conferences, delivered highly engaging and compelling project updates (overview and topics here). The format of the event was a TV-style ‘show’ with trained actor, Geoff Paine, interviewing the students live, requiring them to deliver ‘Plain English’ responses to a series of amusing and serious questions. The event was a precursor to a full-scale showcase to be held in 2021, where students will present the results of their research.

Showcase facilitator and trained actor, Geoff Paine, interviews the students, using a mix of humour and investigative journalism.
A highly engaged audience.
The students' journey is being filmed before and after ("7-Up style") to capture their feelings and experiences through their PhD journey.
Kim Borg is working with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to find ways of encouraging Australians to reduce single use plastics.
Wing Hsieh (centre) presented research on reducing racism and making Australia a more inclusive society. Partner: Australia Post.
With the Environment Protection Authority (Vic), Madeleine Thomas is investigating how to communicate and respond to public health risks from pollution and waste.
Eunice Wong is working with Safer Care Victoria to empower patients to become active in their own healthcare.
Dominique McCollum Coy presented initial research on community perceptions of pro-environmental behaviours; work she is doing with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

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